June, July, and August 2019 are looking great for The Real Uganda and its partner organizations. These are our busiest months for volunteers, and we are expecting a number of new arrivals. As we still have a few placements available, I thought I’d share what’s been going on these past few months.
Learn about community-led volunteering with The Real Uganda
Want to get involved or just interested in what’s happening on the ground? Read on!
Learn About Public Health in Uganda
Our Public Health Improvement program has volunteers working in community hygiene and sanitation, and disease prevention efforts. One partner is currently training community leaders, who are then responsible for training 25 people each, from their own communities. Volunteers dive into this viral peer education and learn how Ugandans work together to improve their lives.
Here they are learning how to construct plate stands from local materials.
Plate stands allow the sun to dry our dishes and keeps them off the ground.
Another partner uses our volunteers in government hospital pharmacies. Volunteers count pills and keep patient records, freeing up medical staff to do more specialized work. More patients are served in less time.
Volunteers learn first hand how our health workers cope with crumbling, overburdened infrastructure with a positive attitude and tireless spirit.
Counting pills after diagnosis and prescription
RELATED: Why you should volunteer in Uganda
Empower Ugandan Women
Our Community Outreach program provides life-changing skills to Ugandans in their home communities. Way back in 2013, we trained a women’s group in re-usable sanitary pad making. These women not only continued the practice, but were inspired to redesign the product to also make diapers. Sales in local markets earned income to pay schools fees, renovate homes, and expand businesses. Today, these same women run a creative learning centre in their community.
Our volunteers work alongside these motivated women, making jewellery, handbags, and sandals for sale in local and international markets. It’s an amazing way to really understand daily life for rural women in Uganda – and you learn cool new skills!
We’re loving this communal, supportive work environment!
RELATED: Discussing international volunteer impact in Uganda
Volunteer on a Farm in Uganda
Uganda has experienced heavy rainfall since this past season. The different farming groups in our Agriculture and Conservation program are experiencing both successes and loss. One group who farms in lowland swamps had to take a break this planting season as their land is under water. Another has focused on hill-top tree planting to take advantage of all the water. And yet another lost their entire crop due to heavy winds and hail. They are in the process of re-planting.
Depending on when volunteers arrive, they join in on land clearing, planting, weeding, or harvesting. No matter what you end up doing, it’s amazing to sweat along these hard working folks!
Ugandan farmers on their way to the fields
Teach in a School in Uganda
The summer months of our Village Teaching program are always fun. We’re mid-way through Uganda’s school year and the pressure is off. Volunteers work with students in their classrooms; teaching, exchanging culture, and leading arts and crafts activities.
And remember, our kids don’t necessarily know the games from your childhood… so, think back – and inspire!
Follow the leader!
That about rounds out our summer. Have you made your plans yet?
For more detail about daily life as a volunteer in Uganda, read these independent reviews.
And add ‘volunteer in Uganda’ to your bucket list!