Join Our Public Health Improvement Program

Volunteers work alongside Ugandan health care professionals, in a variety of remote locations, to help serve more people in less time.

As a result, Ugandans re-gain health and learn to make informed decisions about their families’ well-being.

We have appropriate volunteer work for medical professionals, medical and nursing students, and those interested and/or studying global public health.

what you will do

Volunteers in the public health improvement program join in on the work of their host organization.

Volunteer activities may include a combination of the following activities:

  • working in clinics and maternity hospitals speaking with women and girls about reproductive, maternal, and child health;
  • assisting medical workers in labs and pharmacies;
  • joining community public health improvement activities such as building clay stoves, planting vegetable gardens, and renovating natural spring wells; and
  • conducting seminars about community sanitation, household and personal hygiene, nutrition, disease prevention, and sex education.

Basic training and educational materials are on site, but volunteers are encouraged to bring new materials as well.

Why Choose This Program

Learn the reality on the ground regarding public health in Uganda;

Assist medical professionals to serve more patients in less time;

Witness the grace and resourcefulness of Ugandan health care workers; and

Work alongside community members in real public health related interventions.

Professional medical skills are wanted in our hospitals and clinics

Volunteers are given a private room and 3 daily meals at the family home of their host organization’s director.

Meals consist of local foods, such as matooke (mashed plantain), posho (corn meal), cassava, rice, chapatti, and sweet potatoes. They are generally served with peas, beans, fish, or groundnut sauce.  Bread and tea are the usual breakfast.

Vegetarian, vegan, and gluten- or lactose-free diets are welcome.

There is electricity but no indoor plumbing. Expect pit latrines and cold bucket showers.

This program may involve working in the sun. Volunteers should bring a hat and walking shoes. As you’ll be working off the beaten track, expect to ride to work on the back of a motorcycle.

Volunteers working in clinical environments must provide their own uniforms and personal protective equipment.

No more than 3 volunteers are placed together in any village placement.

We are ready to match your skill and interest with a locally-led organization seeking help.

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