Ugandans – Innovative and Motivated

Ugandans – Innovative and Motivated

Awhile back, this article circulated the internet and caused a bit of a sensation. It stated that Uganda is the “most entrepreneurial country” on earth. People around the world were tickled that developing countries could top a list of anything taken to be positive....
Ugandan Women are Winning It!

Ugandan Women are Winning It!

Here’s a little story from The Real Uganda’s history book: Uganda experienced a rather severe drought in 2016/2017. The rains that typically fall in November, didn’t come. These rains allow us to grow the food we eat in January and February. Their...

A Note of Thanks

On September 12, 2015, two great friends and supporters of The Real Uganda got married in Belgium. It was a classy affair for two very classy ladies. So classy, in fact, they decided to forego a wedding registry and asked their families and friends to instead make a...

German Fundraiser a Success

August 15th, 2015 marked the first annual “Kick it for Uganda” fundraiser event in Bonn, Germany. It was organized by Jens Hirschfeld, a former volunteer from 2015. He worked with our partner, Hopeline Organization, for 2 months. Kick it for Uganda was a...

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