On September 12, 2015, two great friends and supporters of The Real Uganda got married in Belgium. It was a classy affair for two very classy ladies. So classy, in fact, they decided to forego a wedding registry and asked their families and friends to instead make a cash donation to The Real Uganda’s Nalusse Success Primary School Hot Lunch Program.

lunch is servedSince February 2008, The Real Uganda has provided a hot lunch for 120 students and 9 teachers at Nalusse Success Primary School in Mukono Town. Getting a hot lunch is very important to these needy kids as they often come to school without breakfast. The school day lasts from 8am to 4pm.

Before the hot lunch program became free many kids ate only a small dry bun for lunch. They are now served rice or posho with beans. Sometimes, there’s even a little cabbage. As a result, students are energetic and able to learn better. This program is contributing to their personal development and to the development of Uganda in the long run. The annual budget is about $3,900 – which includes all food, cooking oil, salt, charcoal and a small stipend for the cook.

This wedding fundraiser raised 750 Euros, almost enough money to cover the program for an entire term of the 2016 academic year. All of us involved, here in Uganda, would like to heartily and enthusiastically thank all those who donated. More than 100 students will benefit from your gift daily for almost 3 months!

If anyone would like to donate further to this cause, click here. Or share this post!

If anyone would like to host a fundraising event to support our variety of ongoing programs, please get in touch with me at [email protected]. I’d be happy to outline what is needed most in our communities, and how to go about getting involved. A list of our priority needs is found here.

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