past projects

Through the generosity of 100s of our former volunteers and well-wishers, and strategic partnerships with Global Volunteer Network, GVN Charitable Trust, Kain Foundation, We Are Bamboo, Hopeline Germany and GoAbroad Foundation, The Real Uganda has stacked up quite a collection of past projects. We’re proud to share some of that amazing work with you here.

Since 2016, The Real Uganda has managed 3 high-impact development programs:

girls skills training in Uganda

Girls Get Skills (2021): Our COVID-19 response brought practical and transformative education to teen girls in rural Uganda. Program goals were to increase self-esteem and decision making skills and prevent early marriage and pregnancy in teen girls.

In partnership with Lugacraft Uganda, over 70 girls received instruction in baking and hair care and styling techniques and in Kiteza, Buikwe.

Primary School Hot Lunch Program (2008-): Since 2008, we’ve provided a daily hot lunch to over 120 students and 9 teachers at Nalusse Success Primary School in Mukono Town. This has improved and maintained student attendance and performance, and teacher retention. 2022 saw the start of a new feeding program at Hamilton Buikwe Kids Care School in Buikwe Town.

Kkoba Community Project (2016-2018): In partnership with Hopeline Organization Uganda and Kain Foundation Australia, this project held 24 family development meetings, attended by 200+ adults, addressing domestic violence, child neglect, substance abuse, and small business and farm development in Kkoba, Buikwe.

Further, 12 social and economic youth development seminars were attended by over 500 youth with 96 apprenticeships in hairdressing, tailoring, motorcycle repair, carpentry, and farming awarded.

Project successes include a decrease in domestic violence and early marriage in Kkoba. Family incomes have increased, evidenced by larger local farm yields and an increase in the number of small businesses.

past projects

The Real Uganda doesn’t only source volunteers for community-based organizations in Uganda, it provides funding for vital locally-led initiatives.

Beginning way back in 2006, our past projects include:

Sponsoring 1 man through a university degree, and 75+ students through primary and secondary education (ongoing)

Supporting Grassroots Uganda, an artist collective, which has jewelry, handbags, and other handicrafts for sale (ongoing)

Providing funds to primary schools for school supplies, uniforms, teacher materials and salaries, and sports days (ongoing)

Purchasing a motorcycle for Uganda Skateboard Union in 2006

Purchasing over 30 mattresses and blankets for Jim Education Centre in 2006

Purchasing land for Passionate Child and Elderly Care in 2009

Building a goat farm for Johnson Nkosi Primary School in 2010

Building a piggery for Passionate Child and Elderly Care in 2010

Giving 8 pregnant cows to YOFAFO women’s group in 2011 and 2012

Giving 9 pigs to 3 community groups in conjunction with Volunteer Support Network in 2012

Building a clinic for Hope for Africa Children’s Village in 2012

Building a kitchen for Hope for Africa Children’s Village in 2013

Purchasing 2 plots of farm land for Christian Heritage Centre in 2013

Sending a community leader on an organic agriculture course in 2014

Seed funds for a micro-loan program for Hopeline Organization’s women groups in 2014

Re-useable menstrual pad workshop for Hopeline Organization’s women groups in 2014

Replacing damaged roofing and all Nursery to P7 textbooks at Nalusse Success Primary after a major storm destroyed buildings and property in 2014

Purchasing a car for Hopeline Organization in 2015

Purchasing land for Volunteer Support Network in 2015

Purchasing land for Christian Heritage Centre teacher housing in 2016

Providing funds for handicraft-related income generation programs at Lugacraft, Hopeline Organization, and Grace Daycare in 2016

digital skills for youth in Uganda

Purchasing 3 sewing machines for Hopeline Organization’s women groups in 2016

Renovating teacher housing for Hopeland Junior School in 2016

Rebuilding a crumbling classroom block for Nalusse Primary School in 2017

Purchasing playground equipment for Christian Heritage Centre in 2017

Marketing and sales for local artist, Joel Balimanya, who makes handicrafts from used tires in 2018 and 2019

Assisting Maendeleo Foundation to build digital literacy in 16 Mukono youth in 2020 

Providing a hot breakfast and lunch to 90 kids and 5 teachers at Hamilton Buikwe Kids Care Centre, Buikwe in 2022 (New ongoing program!)

Setting up a library at Grace Daycare and Primary School which included textbooks for all classes, shelving, and tables and chairs in 2022

Outfitting the girls’ and boys’ dormitories at Grace Daycare and Primary School which included 10 bunk beds, 20 mattresses, 32 sets of bed sheets, 20 blankets, 20 mosquito nets, and 4 secure interior doors for their staff house in 2022 and 2023

Renovated the pit latrine and bathing area at Grace Daycare and Primary School in 2023.

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uganda primary school library

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