Uganda’s Superfood – JACKFRUIT!

Uganda’s Superfood – JACKFRUIT!

I want to introduce you to (or remind you of) the largest, weirdest, stickiest fruit ever. It smells funny, weighs 20-70lbs, is green and bumpy on the outside, and has a core of industrial strength adhesive inside. Sound appetizing? It’s amazing. While jackfruit...
It’s Independence Day in Uganda!

It’s Independence Day in Uganda!

On October 9th, 2022 – Uganda turns 60. Yes, 60 years of Independence from Britain. 60 years of self-rule. 60 years of nation building. Now a proud dual-citizen, I’m originally from Canada. Independence Day means something very different to me than it does to a...
Ugandans – Innovative and Motivated

Ugandans – Innovative and Motivated

Awhile back, this article circulated the internet and caused a bit of a sensation. It stated that Uganda is the “most entrepreneurial country” on earth. People around the world were tickled that developing countries could top a list of anything taken to be positive....
Ugandan Women are Winning It!

Ugandan Women are Winning It!

Here’s a little story from The Real Uganda’s history book: Uganda experienced a rather severe drought in 2016/2017. The rains that typically fall in November, didn’t come. These rains allow us to grow the food we eat in January and February. Their...
We Wish You a Merry Christmas – from Uganda

We Wish You a Merry Christmas – from Uganda

It’s the end of another year and The Real Uganda wants to spread some good cheer! Let’s start by checking out these ugly Christmas sweaters on – bet you can find one for your favourite auntie! When you shop (for literally anything) through that link, The...
8 Ugandan Life Hacks

8 Ugandan Life Hacks

The internet is abuzz with listicles meant to make everyday life a little easier. And boy do we need it. Today’s world is one seriously complicated place. Ugandans have always been good at efficiently using local resources and resisting the tide of consumerism....
This is How a Ugandan Lives in the World

This is How a Ugandan Lives in the World

So, this is how a Ugandan lives in the world. I was hiking to a hilltop, where a Ugandan friend had planted a tonne of fruit trees. You might know him, he’s called Robert. He lives in Najjembe. It was hot. We both had bottles of drinking water. When we reached,...
Got God? Examining Religion in Uganda

Got God? Examining Religion in Uganda

This week’s post is inspired by Kerry Randall. Why? Because she has volunteered with The Real Uganda a few times and her love of this country makes us happy. The Real Uganda offers 2 – 12 week locally-led communty-based volunteer programs. find out more One of...

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