11 Ways Ugandans are Greener Than You

11 Ways Ugandans are Greener Than You

Since the 1970s, our global population has been undergoing a (gradual) green revolution. People today understand that a modern lifestyle needs to either preserve or replenish the earth’s precious natural resources. The very same resources (air, water, sub-surface...
What’s With All the Noise in Uganda?!

What’s With All the Noise in Uganda?!

When a volunteer commits to work with The Real Uganda, they receive a multi-page orientation document from us. Among other things, that document contains an exhaustive list of “What to Bring”. On that list is earplugs. I’m often asked, why earplugs? My friends, there...
Discover the True Value of Ugandan Childhood

Discover the True Value of Ugandan Childhood

I’ve got two wonderful and very true stories about Ugandan childhood that I want share. They are overwhelmingly and unapologetically positive – and I’ve got it on good authority that they express the dominant sentiment around here. As I’m also raising my son in...

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