These past few months have been exciting! TRU and partner Hopeline Organization have been busily preparing for a possible partnership with Kain Foundation of Australia. We were introduced by Colin, of GVN Foundation back in February.

Tony and Eliza

Eliza and Tony discussing the future development of Kkoba Parents Academy.

After a site visit in early March, we were invited to submit community development proposals to Kain Foundation. We developed a holistic model to address issues faced by families, children, and youth in Kkoba village, Buikwe District. We developed a 3-pronged approach designed for this particular community:

1. To develop a farm and food trading business as a social enterprise, which will eventually fund the building and operation of a modern primary school near KKoba village. The only full primary school in the area.

2. To hold youth workshops focused on staying healthy, making decisions for future development, and career planning. The most involved youth will be granted apprenticeships and given inputs upon graduation that will enable them to create work, rather than look for it.

3. To chair weekly village meetings over a 6 month period that will address communication between adult and adults and children within the home.

Why will these projects be successful? Hopeline Organization has 7 years experience working with the local population. It has handed out seedlings to local youth and operated a humble primary school for local kids since 2008. Leadership has 3 years experience in the farming and food trading industries. TRU has 10 years experience working in project management with community based organizations in Uganda.

tony at Kkoba

Tony with some kids of Kkoba village, Buikwe District, Uganda.

Reps from Kain Foundation, Eliza and Dany, are enthusiastic about our approach and will be presenting our proposal package to their Board in October. Watch this space for updates! Should the Kain funding not come through for us, we’ll take to crowdfunding and get the world involved!

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